Candidate for Baseline option in object properties

Hi all,

I have a fairly rudimentary question, which I cannot find answered in the product help - when i add a new version of an object, what is the benefit of completing the 'Candidate for Baseline' option (see screenshot below)?

We use a system in which we maintain a separate map and publication of new object versions, which we then apply to the relevant 'live' publications. It occurred to me that this 'Candidate for Baseline' option might be able to bypass that stage and add the relevant object version directly to one or more of the live publication baselines, but sadly it's not working how i assumed it would.

Can anyone recommend how this option should be used (if at all)?



  • Hi Dan,

    Roughly there are two flows to do baseline version management for publications

    1. The typical one is using Publication Manager, and create or select version of content objects there.
    2. A small minority of customers allows their authors to deliberately create new versions from their preferred Xml Editor (with Authoring Bridge). Any newly created version is unattached to a publication. To close that gap people can select an existing baseline through the Candidate For Baseline field. Later on the Publication Manager user can select that baseline to do baseline versioning for his Publication through an AutoComplete action (see documentation below)

    Candidate for baseline

    This Autocomplete behavior assigns versions marked as candidate for the specified Baseline to complete yours. This affects any object that are linked as candidate to the selected Baseline.

    Each object can be linked to a Baseline as "candidate", as part of its properties.

    Click Select Baseline. You are prompted to select the baseline to use.

    After you confirm by clicking the Autocomplete button,Publication Manager will consider any object marked as candidate to the selected Baseline that is used in your publication. When there is no version for an object in your publication, Autocomplete will assign it from the corresponding candidate. If an object has a different version between your publication and the corresponding candidate, Autocomplete will propose a change and a confirmation dialog lets you choose if the replacement is performed or not.

  • Ah yes, thank you!
    It was the auto-complete>candidate for baseline step that my brain was missing. This is 'sort of' the opposite way around to how we do things in-house. I now need to think if a change in process would be beneficial.

    Thanks again.
  • Apologies for resurrecting this old thread - I had to park my investigations into this, and have only just found the time again to have a proper play with this option.
    I now understand how the candidate for Baseline option works, but would like to know if there is a way to search on all the topics that are marked as candidates for a particular baseline? I'd like a report or list of topics that are going to affect the baseline before i update.


  • Welcome back Dan.

    In essence the 'Candidate for Baseline' field is a metadata field on the version level of topics, maps and alike. So any operation that retrieves the material and filters for a certain baseline identifier should work.

    So to get you going the below suggestions. Remember that the result set could eventually return your full database.

    • Make it search-able over the FullTextIndex by adapting C:\InfoShare\Web\Author\ASP\ClientConfig\MetadataConfig.xml on the server which is synchronized to your Client Tools. Near "<ishfrm id="Trisoft.InfoShare.Forms.Searcher.SearchControl">" add an entry after "<ishfrmfield name="CheckedOutByField" ishfieldref="CHECKED-OUT-BY" level="lng">" that looks like
      • <ishfrmfield name="ReleaseCandidateField" ishfieldref="FISHRELEASECANDIDATE" level="version">
                    <label resourceref="FISHRELEASECANDIDATE.Label">C&amp;andidate for baseline</label>
                    <description resourceref="FISHRELEASECANDIDATE.Description">Candidate for baseline.</description>
                    <typetext assist="yes" filter="yes">
                      <valuelist ref="ActiveBaselineList" />
                    <multivalue />
    • Or do an API call directly or over the PowerShell automation library. So use Find-IshDocumentObj with a metadata filter on the FISHRELEASECANDIDATE field
    • ...

    Best wishes,

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