Tridion Community Releases Digital Experience Accelerator (DXA) Java 2.3

Following the announcement by   regarding the DXA .NET 2.3 release, we are pleased to announce the launch of our Java DXA, version 2.3. This version resolves several security vulnerabilities with 3rd party dependencies some of which could only be resolved by moving to Spring Framework 6. This was the main motivation for this new version.

Platform Support

Please refer to the compatibility matrices from:

Compatibility and Considerations

The Java DXA 2.3 coexists with its predecessor, Java DXA 2.2, providing users with flexibility and choice. However, there are important compatibility considerations to note:

  • Version 2.3 is compatible with Java 17 running with Spring Framework 6.
  • Spring Framework 6 utilizes the new Jakarta Servlet API (replacement for the old javax.servlet API). This means that the Java DXA 2.3 is no longer compatible with Tomcat 9, so would need moving to Tomcat 10.
  • The Java JRE and Tomcat versions would only need updating for the content delivery web application. There is no need to update the DXD/microservices.

Release Information

Please join the community and consider contributing to further evolve the DXA. Feel free to reach out to RWS Professional Services for assistance with your upgrade projects.