Tridion developer articles and tutorials

  • Configuring where the Business Connector stores its files


    This articles explains how to configure different locations for the Business Connector to store its attachments and temporary files than the default locations. By default, the Business Connector stores its attachments in the bc\attachments subdirectory of the Content Manager root location, and temporary…

  • Direct access to Sub-Organizational item in Tridion GUI


    In the case that you have e.g. created an extensive building block structure it is nice for Tridion users, if they could start out on a selected deep level in that structure (= that folder is already open, without clicking through the structure). This can be achieved by bookmarking elements…

  • Upload large files through WebDAV Connector


    WebDAV Connector by default allows uploads of files only smaller than 4 Mega Bytes. If you use Tridion as a better replacement for a file system, this can be too much of a limitation. For example, inside of Tridion we use R5 to store all of our marketing materials, which can be pretty big…

  • Start the Tridion R5 GUI in your task list


    For customers using workflow, it might make sense to start Content Manager Explorer in the workflow task list rather than the splash screen. This article explains how this can be done.


    Administrator rights on the Tridion R5 system

    1. Uncheck Default Starting Page

    Navigate to…

  • Configure SpellChecker for compound words


    Some customers evaluating the SpellChecker module have complained about SpellChecker not recognizing certain words. For example in Dutch the words 'advies' and 'kantoor' are both recognized as being correctly spelled, but the compound word 'advieskantoor' is recognized as being misspelled…

  • How to move Components up the Blueprint chain using Content Porter


    In a situation where you have a number of components created at a low level (French Web) in the BluePrint hierarchy and want to use them elsewhere in the BluePrint structure, you will notice that you cannot do that. This article demonstrates how you can achieve the goal of using Components…

  • The safe way to get information from the Tridion URI


    The safe way to get information from the Tridion URI.

    1. The safe way to get information from the Tridion URI.

    Function GetItemType(ByVal iStrURI)
     Dim objURI   
     Set objURI = CreateObject("TDSSystem.TDSURI")   
     Call objURI.Load(iStrURI)   
     'ItemType = objURI.ItemType
     'Publication = objURI…

  • Content Porter - configuring dependency filters


    Content Porter can optionally filter out dependent content when exporting/importing. The options available for filtering content are generated from the DependencyFilters.xml file. This article explains how to edit this file to add your own filter groups or edit existing filter groups. This…

  • Using .NET code in your Tridion Templates


    This article shows you how to create template code in .NET (using C#) and then make it available to your Tridion Templates.


    Installed and configured Tridion Content Manager.

    1. Creating your code

    Using Visual Studio (.NET 2003 or 2005) create a new project. For simplicity reasons…