SDK and documentation for Trados 2007

Hi all,

I'd like to automate some tasks using the old Trados version, I mean 2007.

I've seen there are plenty of documentation from 2009 on, but I don't find anything related to the previous version and its SDK. Anybody with the same problem?

Thanks in advance.

Parents Reply
  • Looks like you did not get what I'm talking about.
    It's NOT about tools. It's about necessary additional knowledge and experience... and most importantly about the .NET chaos (versions, dependencies, references and god-knows-what-other-sh*t one needs to understand... ooops, additional necessary knowledge/experience!) to be able to cope with it.

    I can take my few-lines JavaScript file (written in Notepad) and use it to automate T2007 installed on _ANY_ system (WinXPSP3/Vista/7/8.x/10) without ANY pre-requisities and without checking if this-or-that version of this-or-that is installed or not.

    And what do I need to do the same with Studio and that 'glorious' PowerShell (Toolkit)?!
    How many things I need to check and/or install on each of these systems to make it work?