GroupShare REST API token


I am trying to get GroupShare's REST API token, but getting an error.

I tried to send request with PHP cURL and with PowerShell script from here:

Both requests are returning same error: "Error occurred while sending a direct message or getting the response."

Parents Reply
  • Hi Vaidas,

    The only hint I can find is this:

    2014-12-02 17:43:50.281#Sdl.StudioServer.Authorization.AuthorizationServer.AuthServer#System.Security.SecurityException: Authentication failed for user 'sa'.

      at Sdl.StudioServer.Services.IdentityModel.Data.IdentityModelDataAccess.AuthenticateUser(String userName, String password)

      at Sdl.StudioServer.Services.IdentityModel.UserManager.AuthenticateUser(String userName, String password)

      at Sdl.StudioServer.Authorization.AuthorizationServer.AuthServer.AuthorizeUser(String userName, String password)

    The Zone of the assembly that failed was:


    2014-12-02 17:43:50.281#Sdl.StudioServer.Authorization.AuthorizationServer.AuthServer#Requested scope failed

    Are you sure you are inputting the correct password for the SA user and the resulting token?



    Best regards,
    Luis Lopes | Principal Product Manager | RWS | (twitter) @Luis___Lopes |
