Project Templates getting to Marketplace for Visual Studio


I am glad to announce that we prepared a VSIX extension for Visual Studio which will consist in the Project Templates needed to develop cool stuff for SDL Trados Studio. You can use this extension on Visual Studio 2017 or 2015, also all references were updated to Studio 5.

I attached a beta version of it, so you can try it out.

Feel free to send me feedback.

1488.SDL Trados Studio project templates for Microsoft Visual

Have fun developing,

Vasile Erdei

  • Hi Vasile,

    I am trying to develop my 1st plug-in but I can't even create an SDL project in Visual Studio. (I created a thread here but no one has responded yet: )

    I also tried using your VSIX extension. I have Visual Studio Community 2017 and Windows 7 SP1.  Unfortunately, "New | Project" with one of the SDL templates just dies silently or produces this error in "ActivityLog.xml":  

    System.ArgumentException: Argument can't be null Parameter name: node at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TemplateProviders.InstalledTemplatesProvider.GetPathFromNode(IVsExtensionsTreeNode node) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.CloseDialog(Boolean dialogResult)

    Any ideas?

    Visual Studio seems to be aware that the SDL templates exist, but doesn't know how to use them. I am attaching a couple of screenshots in case it helps.


    Gary Hess


  • Hi Vasile,

    I am trying to develop my 1st plug-in but I can't even create an SDL project in Visual Studio. (I created a thread here but no one has responded yet: )

    I also tried using your VSIX extension. I have Visual Studio Community 2017 and Windows 7 SP1.  Unfortunately, "New | Project" with one of the SDL templates just dies silently or produces this error in "ActivityLog.xml":  

    System.ArgumentException: Argument can't be null Parameter name: node at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TemplateProviders.InstalledTemplatesProvider.GetPathFromNode(IVsExtensionsTreeNode node) at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Dialogs.NewProjectDialog.CloseDialog(Boolean dialogResult)

    Any ideas?

    Visual Studio seems to be aware that the SDL templates exist, but doesn't know how to use them. I am attaching a couple of screenshots in case it helps.


    Gary Hess

