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  • Kick user to login page with Trados Enterprise times out

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Currently, when your login times out, you are still able to perform some tasks, but depending on what you click, you may be kicked out to the login window. Our hope is that when your Trados Enterprise login session times out, you are kicked to the login...
  • Share final files with translators

    • Under Community Review on
    Translation workflows within our company often contain an external translation or post-editing step by a vendor followed by an internal review by a colleauge. The corrections and modifications made by our collegueagues would often be interesting and...
  • Automatic due date for workflow steps based on project volume

    • Planned for Future Release on
    Currently, the workflow steps can be assigned a schedule timeline for step due dates, but there is no logic to define the due date based on word count. Without being able to include the number of words that can be completed per day, the automated due...
  • Releverage segments when working in the Online Editor

    • Under Community Review on
    When working in the Online Editor and you move to the next segment to translate, releverage and populate the current highest match if there is one available. These better matches can be easily missed if the lookups window is not visible. This ensures...
  • Add change log to reporting

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be nice to know when and who made a change to an analysis. Would be even more helpful to know what changed. We have an analysis that had a field removed, but we don't know who did it or when it happened.
  • Embedding option for Terminology databases

    • Under Community Review on
    I would like to make our termbases available as a read-only resource on my company's intranet website, so that anyone in my company can look up terms without needing to have a Trados account. I imagine this working the same as embedding a video or an...
  • TM metadata for string key in resource files

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    This was available in WorldServer. We want to see the key for a segment in the TM metadata. This is useful information that should help with context matches. This is a major gap.
  • Option to enter number of days instead of fixed Delivery date

    • Under Community Review on
    When a Customer Requester creates a new project in the Customer Portal they must enter a Delivery Date. Then the file is analysed and a quote is generated. In the quote a fixed delivery date must be set. If they Customer requester waits a few days with...
  • Have files changed in customer review check - skip task if not

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We have a workflow where after translation with the agency customer review takes place and after that the review implementation by the translation agency. For a number of reasons however there may be situations where due to unavailability of resources...
  • More easily show word count broken down by file

    • Under Community Review on
    In TE it is cumbersome and difficult to find the word count per file to compare with all other files in a project. In the UI it is not feasible to try to do this at all. WorldServer provided an easy view to the overall word count scope of a project split...