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  • Improve the term recognition to better consider the "Minimum match value"

    • Under Community Review on
    A better consideration of the "Minimum match value" would reduce the false positives. For example, "Abschnitt" and "Abschnitte" similarly "current" and "currently" should not be flagged as errors for MMV 67.
  • Opening multiple termbases separately

    • Under Community Review on
    hi all, in some cases it is useful to open several termbases separately, otherwise for searching or editing you always have to change the default termbase which often messes up filter settings and entry models (so you need to close and restart Multiterm...
  • Sort MultiTerm Online user profiles alphabetically

    • Under Community Review on
    It is difficult for an admin to find a specific user profile, because the drop-down list is not sorted alphabetically.
  • Role Management in Multiterm 2019

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi all, although most of roles and access rights can be managed directly via Groupshare roles, in those cases you need to add or remove several users in Multiterm 2019 it is now really cumbersome as you cannot select a list of users to add/remove from...
  • Insert termbase term automatically into machine translation result

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    Automatically combining machine translation with your personal termbase terminology (or that of your organization or customer) could reduce the work load considerably. An example for NL>FR: In Belgium we translate 'gemeente' into 'commune'. However...
  • Term data statistics

    • Under Community Review on
    I'd like to have some term data related statistics (kind of a Groupshare dash bord): number of termbases on the server, entries per language, changes/new entries since ..., and why not, filter-based statistics (validated-not validated entries/terms etc...
  • Please add visibility on logged in users to SDL MultiTerm 2017/GroupShare

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    We are a corporate client of SDL. We are using SDL MultiTerm 2017 and our term-bases are hosted by SDL on a Wndows 7 Server (we are using both SDL MultiTerm Server 2017 Team Edition and SDL MultiTerm 2017 Desktop). In MultiTerm Administrator 2014, we...
  • Locked entry management

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi all, when working with lots of termbases it would be handy to have some functions to manage locked entries, be it some sort of filtering (show/list termbases with locked entries) or even an "unlock all entries of the selected termbases" feature....
  • MultiTerm should display a message, if term isn't found during lookup

    • New on
    Hello, as far as I can see, MultiTerm selects a different term for displaying if the exact term isn't found during lookup in Passolo. Sure, it could be interesting to see other similar terms. But in my opinion, MultiTerm should show a message, that...
  • Display entry when hovering on referenced term

    • Under Community Review on
    Instead of clicking on a referenced term to read the entry, please offer the alternative of seeing the entry in a windows which opens when hovering on the hyperlink. Available e.g. in Wikipedia.