This place is where you can suggest, discuss, and vote on ideas. If you want to create an idea for an other related product choose the appropriate group on this page.

When you select to create a new idea, there are a few things you can do to ensure RWS Development and other community participants understand the idea. See here for Idea best practices.

  • Automatic logging or emails in case of certain events

    • Under Community Review on
    I wish there as an automatic logging or email alert in case of certain events: a new termbase is created, change of termbase definition, users are added or removed, import/export of data, deletion of entries, , when available CALs have been used up...
  • Retain and make logs accessible for Multiterm/Groupshare to show term additions and deletions

    • Under Community Review on
    We have groupshare and online Multiterm. RWS tells us they do not retain logs on deletions from the termbase. This means if someone inadvertently or deliberately makes incorrect changes to database, there is no means of tracing back. Since the service...
  • Magnified textboxes

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, I usully have my entry display magnified by 20 or 30%. When I edit an entry, it goes back to 100% again, so no longer magnified. It would be nice to have bigger characters even (and mostly) when I type into the box, not just afterwards. Thank...
  • Import list of words from Excel or text file

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Since entering new terms is currently very time-consuming there should be an option to import terms and translation over Excel or text files (e.g. with a tab as delimiter).
  • Term abbreviation should be part of database definition

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    A number of our clients use a lot of inhouse abbreviations the meaning of which we need to keep in our terminology files. SDL Support team helped me convert such a file into an SDL termbase, however, I was surprised they used kind of a workaround. The...
  • Mapping wizard for unknown fields/values option

    • Under Community Review on
    Unless you know how to do an XSL transformation with your XML import file, unknown fields cannot be correctly mapped onto an existing MultiTerm termbase definition when importing them (e.g. import from another non-SDL termbase). Either no terms or inconsistent...
  • Make the excel export button work in online Multiterm again

    • Under Community Review on
    We have groupshare and online Multiterm. RWS removed existing functionality that allowed users with permissions to export the termbase to excel. This was used by our group for termbase reviews and by vendors as offline backups. We do not have...
  • Increase hyperlink character limit in MultiTerm

    Former Member
    Former Member
    • Under Community Review on
    In MultiTerm 2019, currently it seems only possible to add hyperlinks to URLs with a maximum length of 240 characters. If you try to add a longer hyperlink (e.g. with 265 characters), it is simply cut off at the maximum length without alert or message...
  • Ability to change user name for server-based termbases

    • Under Community Review on
    We would welcome if MultiTerm Desktop allowed us to change user names for server-based termbases (as it already does for local ones). As is, organizations using anonymized Windows logins have trouble identifying individual terminologists.
  • multiple usage of picklists

    • Under Community Review on
    We want have the same picklist two times or even more often for one entry in MultiTerm. If I have already chosen a value of the picklist, it is not possible to add the same picklist once again. We would need the multiple usage of picklists for the different...