Under Community Review

64-bit version of Studio

Please create a 64-bit version of Studio. At present only a 32-bit version is available, and therefore it can theoretically only access 2-3GB of system memory, meaning that upgrading your machine with more memory then this does not have any beneficial impact on Studio performance.

When handling large files & projects, allowing Studio access to all of your system's memory would make a huge difference in time and performance, and for this the app needs to be 64-bit.

Are there any plans to release a 64-bit version in future?

  • Currently I am working on A bible commentary. 1 million words, two files. So I really thought SDL will be a great tool along with powerful RAM and Processor. (I spent a huge amount on i9 and 32 RAM Del XPS 2019) Bu it looks like I will have to split the files and rework each time through the entire project. 

    Iike I word in InDesign 64 bit very stable and reliable (I am comparing volume in ragards to pages we can work at a time.) SDL must come up to rescue people who work on huge projects. This will be good for translation community and increase in their product as well. 

  • at this point you're better off using memoQ, it has had a 64-bit version for ages now.

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