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DSI Viewer - Optimize field width for displayed information

When I export an SDLXLIFF of a List with three columns from Passolo (ID, source language, target language) the ID content is stored in the SDLXLIFF under the attribute "name" within the "cxt-def" element. When opening the SDLXLIFF to translate in Trados Studio (2019 and 2021) the DSI Viewer shows the ID content incompletely since the field width for display for this attribute seems to be limited. In contrast, when opening a bilingual Excel file with the same three columns directly in Studio, the DSI Viewer shows the ID content in its full length. This is because when creating the SDLXLIFF Studio stores the ID information (due to the configuration of the file type) in the attribute "descr", which seems to be configured in the DSI Viewer to be displayed completely.

So, for the use case of translating SDLXLIFF exports from Passolo with ID information it would be really useful to have the attribute "name" also shown in its full length in the DSI Viewer.

Thank you for considering this idea for improvement.

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