Under Community Review

Editor : allow odd font sizes


In Studio 2022, in the editor configuration, font sizes can only be adjusted in increments of 2 : font sizes 10, 12, 14, and so on.

Sometimes, size 14 is too big and size 12 is too small.

It would be nice to also have the "odd" font sizes : 11, 13, 15...

  • I agree and wanted to post about that.

    For a long time and continuing, font adaptation to various screens (standard Full HD and up to 2K) is not ideal.

    The Settings Options are not covering all parts of the software (termbase viewer is one bad example).
    On the opprosite Hitlist Settings comes as handy.
    Missing fonts 13 and 15 (font 11 is actually there) is an everyday issue on the editor depending on the font from the source document

    My hope is to see a more comprehensive set of options. The best one would be that the Ctrl+ and Ctrl- shortcut works on every screens in the next desktop version.

    Thank you