Under Community Review

Excluding a given segment from auto-propagation

Hi everybody,

I am a huge fan of auto-propagation, but it happens I want to exclude a given segment from the auto-propagation, because the context requires I translate it differently of other like segments.

In practice, I would like to be able to translate or change a specific without propagating the specific translation or change to all the segments down the road that were auto-propagated from a segment located higher in the document. 

For instance, in the picture below, the segment was propagated as "É.A.U. (Dubaï)" since it is written this way elsewhere in the document. But in this specific table, I would need to be able to write it "É.A.U. – Dubaï", for consistency reasons with the rest of that one table, being sure that it will not inadvertently revert to the first format if I change anything elsewhere.

Screenshot of Trados Studio segment with auto-propagation, showing 'E.A.U. (Dubai)' with a warning icon indicating a potential issue.

Would it be possible to exclude a specific segment from auto-propagation with, for instance, a simple right-click? 

Thanks in advance

  • Hi Jerzy,

    Of course we are happy, we all still work with Studio. But I thought, this is the place where to suggest improvements, right?

    I'd like to detail a bit: I'm with you: we remain the instance to decide which segment will be auto-propagated and which not.

    To me however the question is not if but how. Some ways prove to be easier than other, and generally I prefer the easier ones. Especially when it comes to productivity or avoiding errors (we are talking about long files, not the one or two pager you can easily handle even without the auto-propagate functionality).

    Any check I do not need to double on, is a time saving.

    And re. your other ideaOk hand: you have my vote already

  • Be happy Trados Studio has such options as it has. The main competitor will either auto-propagate or not. No other option there.

    This said, we have a similar necessity in Polish not to auto-propagate all segments in the very same way. Nonetheless, I fail to see how to tell the software to differ in situations like in this example. How shall the software know to replace here, but not to do elsewhere? The only instance knowing this is the human in front of the computer. We do have numerous options to deal with this. Ali has shown you a setting you need. Other option is to be asked by each and every repetition to confirm auto-propagation. You can then chose yes or no. One can also filter on repetitions and then decide which ones need to be translated differently.

    Unfortunately I cannot understand your French comments Slight smile, so maybe all this has already been discussed before.

    And when we are on auto-propagation, please support me here: community.rws.com/.../mark-the-first-segment-of-auto-propagation-as-such---so-that-when-reviewing-you-see-it-is-repeated

  • I would just think of right click menu option when you're in the segment, Alison. 


    Hi all,

    ... so the 'exclude' button would be a third button alongside 'yes' and 'no' in the auto-propagation dialog and thus set the segment as a standalone that will not be included in further auto-propagation or, conversely will not trigger any auto-propagation of other segments either.

    That makes sense... but is it achievable via Philippe's suggestion or another method, Daniel?

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley

  • Hi Alison
    You're right, this is not too bad. But it could be improved, especially the the part with "find" :-) because for now, the find aspect definitely involves a piece of paper or any kind of manually performed action.
    The ideal solution would require that :
    a) the segment to be reviewed is displayed in the context of at least one prior and one following segment.
    b) the pop-up prompting window has an additional button "exclude this segment from auto-propagation"
    c) the locked segment is counted in the progress bar at the bottom (until today, they are not  **sigh**, which leads to other problems)

    Christmas has never been so closed this year, maybe RWS will put their red hat on... :-)