Idea Delivered Partially

Setting to delivered partially for cloud project flows but aware this is not available with file or server-based projects (not without third party solutions from the Trados ecosystem).

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Only include target language-specific entries from a termbase when creating project packages

For some clients we work with large file-based termbases and a lot of target languages on a regular basis. When creating project packages, Trados Studio includes the entire termbase with all target languages
instead of creating smaller termbases that each exclusively contain the relevant language pairs, with the major downside being that unpacking and opening the project in Studio takes a lot of time.
This especially holds true for SDLPPX packages downloaded from Trados Enterprise and processed in Trados Studio, given that those packages include the XML+XDT instead of the SDLTB file,
thus adding extra time for Trados Studio for the conversion.

I think it would be quite handy to add an option to only include the target language-specific entries from a termbase in the package creation options.

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