For some clients we work with large file-based termbases and a lot of target languages on a regular basis. When creating project packages, Trados Studio includes the entire termbase with all target languages instead of creating smaller termbases that…
Hi Team, in Trados Studio 2022 in Editor, after clicking anything on anything in windows "Translation Results", "Fragment Matches", "Concordance Search", "Comments", "Messages" - and then clicking on text in the Editor, everything "refreshes" by going…
For Regulatory Labelling, we miss functionality of being able to un-merge tracked segments.
Currently, it is possible to merge tracked segments, but not to split them back to their original segmentation. Linguists sometimes merge segments even though…
The color scheme for Trados studio is currently between white, light grey and darker grey. However I would really like to have more darker tones so that it is not harsh on the eyes. May we please have darker modes benefits shown heret: https://blog.prototypr…
1. About saving and automatic saving
In the Editor interface, there are no application scenarios where the project files do not need to be saved. From the user's point of view, what the user wants, is that the project files are saved automatically.…
I use two terminology systems in Trados Studio:
a (very) large background termbase using RYSTUDIO Post-editing Package (see: + )
a small .sdltb project termbase
Hi everybody,
It would be great to add a "Confirm all" option to the menu below. Often, at the end of a translation, you have to use the spellchecker and fix some typos or to do some cosmetic adjustments, such as replacing " ' " with " ’ " in the whole…
I always have the problem that Trados Studio does not correctly propagate numbers and units if you enter them with (in my case) a narrow non-breaking space. So I end up having to edit and confirm each segment manually where it could be done with…