Please enhance the support for Arabic translation projects in Trados Studio (desktop software).

Arabic is one of the six official languages of the United Nations, used by hundreds of millions of people worldwide, and is written from right to left. However, Trados Studio (desktop software) currently does not display some Arabic translation projects correctly. Please address this issue as soon as possible. For example, after converting files using the sdllixff converter and importing them into Trados Studio (desktop software), the display order of Arabic in Trados Studio is incorrect and noticeably different from the content in Microsoft Word documents.

Screenshot of Trados Studio with incorrect Arabic text display. The right-to-left text order is reversed, highlighted with red boxes and question marks indicating errors.

  • Dear Mr Muhammad Khateeb, 

    I tried you method, but it seem that it can not work. 

    the target text is from right to left already. 

    for the other segments is correct in Arabic language, but for the segment with mathematical symbols, units. trados studio (computer software) can not work well. 

    Screenshot of Trados Studio software with an open project. The Editor pane shows a list of segments with Arabic text and mathematical symbols. A red arrow points to a segment with a note indicating an issue with handling right-to-left text.

    Best regards


  • Dear Mr. Paul, 

    Thank you for your professional help. I will try this plugin. Additionally, if possible, in the future, Trados Studio (desktop software) could directly convert SDLXLIFF files into Microsoft Word table format (as well as Microsoft Excel format), and then directly convert Microsoft Word table format (as well as Microsoft Excel format) back into SDLXLIFF format. Currently, although various plugins can achieve this, the process is complex, and sometimes unexpected issues arise that hinder the progress of translation. In actual translation work, every click in Trados Studio (desktop software) consumes valuable time, so the simpler and more stable the process, the better. Microsoft Word documents (and Excel format) are extremely stable, and almost all translators worldwide can handle them smoothly, with virtually no bugs. I believe that this feature in Trados Studio (desktop software) could quickly help Trados Studio regain its dominance in the CAT (Computer-Assisted Translation) tool market.

    Best regards



    Maybe try providing a very simple XLIFF instead of SDLXLIFF.  This way any CAT tool worth anything will be able to manage it and you'll have better control over the process.  You can do this using the XLIFF Manager:


    من اجل تصحيح اتجاه النص في القطع النصية ذات الأرقام 10 إلى13
    قم بتحديد كامل النص بالقطعة النصية ثم قص النص ثم أدخل علامة RTL من شريط التنسيق
    ثم الصق النص، بذلك سيتم قلب اتجاه النص ويصبح صحيحًا



    To correct the text direction in segments numbered 10 to 13
    Select all the text in the segment, then cut the text, then enter the RTL tag from the formatting bar
    Then paste the text, this will reverse the text direction and make it correct


    I always use this to fix BiDi RTL Arabic combined with Latin characters

  • As a translation company, we certainly hope that every translator uses Trados Studio (computer deaktop software); however, in reality, not every translator can be restricted to using Trados Studio. Currently, there are numerous Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tools available on the market, and each of these CAT tools may have thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, or millions of translation users. We have also attempted to provide SDLXLIFF format files to different translators for translation, but this has proven to be impractical. Even different versions of Trados studio can lead to various issues, such as files being unable to open or translations not being exportable when working with SDLXLIFF format files. Therefore, a format that is acceptable to all translators is to first convert the SDLXLIFF format into a two-column table format in Microsoft Word. This way, regardless of the CAT tool they are using, translators can work with it. We can then convert this two-column format in Microsoft Word back into SDLXLIFF format for import into Trados Studio.