Under Community Review

Setting this to under review even if it is not an idea strictly speaking.

Trados needs to improve the stability of its product.

Although Trados has been around for more than 30 years, it unfortunately still has many problems. The software runs unstably and has many bugs. Many times, it mysteriously cannot update the translation memory, can not add terminology databases, cannot recognize terminology accuratley, cannot validate, can nottranslate normally, or even can not export the tranlated document after several days of work on a project. This seriously affects translation efficiency and even delays deadlines. It is hoped that the stability of the product will be improved, and the entire software should maintain stability during operation. Otherwise, translators will have to spend a lot of time analyzing and repairing the software, Trados.

  • It sounds as though these were occasional glitches inherent in the 32-bit programming that precludes full use of the 64-bit RAM resources. I therefore endorse the call for 64-bit programming, long overdue. For the time being, though, I find that saving the work in hand, then re-starting Studio. remedies some of these anomalies. At a pinch, even rebooting the machine helps.

  • It sounds as though these were occasional glitches inherent in the 32-bit programming that precludes full use of the 64-bit RAM resources. I therefore endorse the call for 64-bit programming, long overdue. For the time being, though, I find that saving the work in hand, then re-starting Studio. remedies some of these anomalies. At a pinch, even rebooting the machine helps.

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