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  • Save target as (and all other save as modes) should open the Windows explorer with 'My favorites' pane on the left.

    • Under Community Review on
    I already mentioned this idea in someone else's post, but I think it was never posted as an individual idea. With SDL flexible system of adding TM's, I do not need to create a new project each next time. I can easily change the domain of my project...
  • increase font size in termbase viewers

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, I've been told this is the place to suggest an improvement. The termbase viewers in Trados and Multiterm show lists of all termbase entries in alphabetical order, and my suggestion is to make the font size adjustable or at least a little bigger...
  • termbase view options

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    please try to make the view more user friendly by allowing hits from the primary termbase to show first, then followed by a separator line, then terms coming from the secondary termbase, and so on, just in case a translator is using multiple termbases...
  • Add settings to fine tune MultiTerm

    • Under Community Review on
    Wouldn't it be better to be able to fine tune the level of fuzziness of term recognition? For example to limit it to the last letter (this is usually what changes between the male/female and singular/plural version of the same word in my language)....
  • Translating mutlilingual json files

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, As part of my job, I receive translation requests with files provided from an online software Under json format. The problem is that these files are multilingual and as a translator, I have to fill the language fields: "properties": { "name...
  • Find and Replace should display each relevent segment at mid height

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    When searching using Find and Replace, relevent segments tend to be shown towards the very top or very bottom of the bilingual editing window. This makes it more difficult to understand the immediate context of each search item. This context is clearly...
  • Fully customizable colors of the Editor view

    • Under Community Review on
    There are many translators who prefer black background and white or green text (Unix console style) instead of the typical setting. It would be great to allow users to customize colors without any limitations instead of selecting predefined themes.
  • Return doesn't segment the sentences for Excel source

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    For the Excel source, returns (new lines) are recognized as spaces, and several sentences are included in one segment. It would be nice if the sentences are segmented by return.
  • Translation Memory Tab in SDL Trados Studio

    • Duplicate on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, Every version of Studio, including the 2017 one, include, on the Translation Memories tab, First Page, Previous Page and Next Page buttons, but none offer a Last Page one as well, which would be very useful. Sincerely, Sophie Di Carlo, trad...
  • Please make the measurement check possible for combined units like "mg/dL" oder "km/h"

    • Under Community Review on
    As far as I got it, the measurement check (Verification > QA Checker 3.0 > Numbers > Check measurements) can only be used for single units like g oder mL oder km. When dealing with concentrations like "g/mL" oder similar, this verification functionality...