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  • Making the Assign to field optional, not obligatory during translator package creation

    • Under Community Review on
    Dear SDL Community, I have spotted this feature in Studio, when setting up a multi-languages project where you are prompted to assign every single language to a user in the last window "Review Project Packages". This "Assign to:" field is obligatory...
  • Forbidden term recognition in Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    When a term has been recognised, it is not obvious to see if target term it is a compulsory or forbidden term. Either you display the complete window for the term or you try to verify using F8. Would be great if display could show either with a "forbidden...
  • Batch mode for adding/deleting TMs

    • Under Community Review on
    Description: When creating a new project based on a legacy project, all the TMs associated with the legacy project are displayed. In case they are not needed anymore, they have to be removed one by one, which can be time-consuming when multiple TMs...
  • Please add a functionality to Comments window so that translators can click on URLs to go to pages from within Comments window

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Dear Community, First off, thank you for the recent enhancements to the Comments window. I love that you can click on a comment and jump to segments for that particular comment. I came across an Excel file where URLs were available as reference for...
  • Making it easier to use language variants

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi team, would it be possible to add Russian (Latvia) in the language list? Ultimately, would it be possible to find a way to make it easier to use language variants that are not part of the MS LCID? For example, clients are requesting Russian (Israel...
  • Comment box font size

    • In Progress on
    While the user can customize the font size (and many other cosmetic or accessibility feautures) everywhere in Studio, surprisingly, it is impossible to do it in the comment edition box : It is sometimes difficult to write or read in it. It should...
  • “Show most recent translations first” regardless of TM order

    • Under Community Review on
    The option “Show most recent translations first” in the Search settings in Studio only applies to results from the same TM. When there are several TMs, the Translation Results and Concordance Search will show a hit from the first TM at the top, even...
  • Quick Batch Tasks - No prompts, no wizard

    • Under Community Review on
    Morning, Would it be possible any automation to create a button in upper ribbon that can be customised to trigger a batch task WITHOUT any disruption other than eventually saving the current opened files? I mean triggering an "Analyze" batch task...
  • "# segments selected" in Editor View

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Just a short field in the bottom right section of the screen showing how may segments you have picked. It could be really helpful. I was just doing some searches in a tricky client and this feature would have been great, if available Cheers, ...
  • Create "Source Language" Column in Projects View

    • Under Community Review on
    Dear Community, After all this time using SDL Trados Studio, I would like to make a suggestion in order to improve Projects organization. I would like to suggest the creation of a new column named " Source Language " in the Projects View, so we...