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  • Forbidden terms are displayed in AutoSuggest

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Currently there is no option in Studio to only suppress forbidden term hits for AutoSuggest. You could define a filter in your termbase (use MultiTerm Desktop or MultiTerm Administrator) and use it in the Trados project (at Home > Project Settings...
  • Option to export both File Type settings and Embedded Content Processor settings into a single SDLFTSETTINGS file when an embedded content processor is enabled.

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi Community, Believe or not, engineers just assume when they export File Type settings file, the associated embedded content processor that is enabled, is getting exported at the same time. You can imagine issues this would cause by not having the...
  • Making the Assign to field optional, not obligatory during translator package creation

    • Under Community Review on
    Dear SDL Community, I have spotted this feature in Studio, when setting up a multi-languages project where you are prompted to assign every single language to a user in the last window "Review Project Packages". This "Assign to:" field is obligatory...
  • Create Package, Group by Sub-Folder

    • Under Community Review on
    A Trados project has sub-folders, like so: When you want to create a package, it currently presents itself has individual files, which is a problem when you have say 15 sub-folders with a total of 75 files. It would be ideal if there was the possibility...
  • Compressing of TM after batch delete exercises

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently if you batch delete a lot of segments from your TM the physical size won't change at all. This is because we don't run the " vacuum " feature when carrying our maintenance tasks on an SDLTM. I think it would be a good idea if we added this to...
  • Project to retain "Set as Active" parameter

    • Under Community Review on
    I don't know whether it's expected Studio behavior or not... but after closing the files for a project in the Editor view, the active project changes to the previous one, not the current. Can that be fixed so that active project only changes when "Set...
  • Regex for Alphanumeric Strings and Variables

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Now, a code like RB_45/R1 is not recognized like 1 placeable because the character '/' splits the recognition. I'd like a way to setup using a regex rule supporting this kind of recognition. This could be done or using the 'Variable' or an extra option...
  • Import/export global settings

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Studio allows to export the profile and import it on other computers, allowing us to copy the settings to other computers in the office. However, the profile does not include the QA settings nor the Language Pairs settings, which have to be set on each...
  • New Batch Task - Import "unknown segments export"

    • Under Community Review on
    Exporting unknown segments works really great for huge projects containing massive legacy matches so you can work "lighter" in "fresh" xliff files, but importing those results back to your original project is not really that straightforward... Could...
  • Quotation marks | Missing choice option for the quotation marks to be used

    • Under Community Review on
    The function “Replace ‘straight quotes’ with smart quotes” has been a major improvement in the last few years. This functionality could and should however be improved because some languages use two different types of quotation marks (German, Italian...