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  • Easy way to add a single translation unit to a TM

    • Under Community Review on
    There seems to be no easy way to easily add a single translation unit to a TM; plenty of forums exist where users have vented their frustration at this and have needed to suggest workarounds which really shouldn't be necessary (a T-Window plug-in or to...
  • Difference highlights between Translator's translation and Translation Memory translation

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    When reviewing high-match segments, it would be easy to review if the differences between translator's translation and translation memory translation are highlighted. Currently only the differences in the source sentence are highlighted.
  • Ability to pin the Search and Replace Dialog

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, 1. I would really appreciate if I was able to pin the Search and Replace Dialog in Studio, or at least keep it over any other window. Ideally, floatting and pinable at the same time. I often use that dialog, and it happens I forget to close...
  • "Do not translate" segment status

    • Under Community Review on
    Occasionally, we are asked to translate only certain sections of a text. One solution is to convert the text that is not to be translated to hidden text in the Word file (for example). However, I think it is usually safer to make as few changes in...
  • Distinguish between hyphen and en-dash

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Studio does not distinguish properly between a hyphen and en-dash. The en-dash, which is longer than the hyphen, replaces "to" between two numbers in English. So if I have a list of number groups like 1–10, 11–20, 21–30, etc., when I translate and confirm...
  • Import/Export button for Word List (under Verification/QA Checker 3.0) and allow multiple selection and sorting (for deletion purposes, for example)

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    It would be able to have an Import/Export button within the Word List option in Verification/QA Checker.Supposedly, this is a list to tell Trados to consider a list of wrongly spelled or forbidden words. That list can, depending on the project, be huge...
  • Export and import Studio settings

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi guys, If possible, it would be very nice for an export / import settings button for all Studio settings. Much like the function from File->Options-> Verification-> QA Checker 3.0 -> QA Checker Profiles This would make us more sure that...
  • Studio uninstall should not automatically delete file associations

    • Under Community Review on
    The Studio uninstall process automatically deletes the Windows file associations. Often, when a user uninstalls a previous version of Studio, this leads to the situation that Windows does not anymore recognize the file associations (.SDLXLIFF, SDLPPX...
  • Sort files within a project by date added

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi I'd love to see an option to sort files in a project by date added. I usually keep adding files in projects, and it would save me a lot of time for finding correct file to work with if they are sorted by date added. thank you Christen
  • Segment sort by track change user

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, This is the first of two idea's/suggestions I have around Track changes being imported into Studio from MS Word. It would be great to be able to sort and view segments by the user who implemented the change in the Word doc, much in the same way...