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  • In "Find and Replace" Window, 1) "Find what:" and "Replace with:" contents are the same, 2) auto suggest in "Replace with:"

    • Under Community Review on
    1) "Find what:" and "Replace with:" contents are the same 번역을 하다 보면, "Find and Replace" 창의 "Replace with:" 입력줄에 타이핑을 해야 하는 경우가 자주 있습니다. 예를 들어, "화상 메모리"라는 용어를 "픽처 메모리"로 바꾸고자 할 경우, 편집 창에서 "화상 메모리"에 블록 지정하여 "Find and Replace" 창 을 여는 특정 핫키를 누를 때, "Find...
  • Adjust/reorder buttons at top of Files screen

    • Under Community Review on
    The list of options at the top of the Files screen is illogical. I go there to create new cloud projects and add files to existing cloud projects, yet the option to Add File is all the way off to the right at the very end. Seesm like it shold be first...
  • AdaptativeMT

    • Under Community Review on
    It would be nice to have the possibility to create an adaptativeMT from German into French. It is not possible in the moment.
  • Hey Studio

    • Under Community Review on
    memoQ has adopted iOS/MacOS-supported speech-to-text (Hey memoQ) with many more languages available than Dragon. Maybe it would be worth developing something similar for Studio?
  • Arabic World

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    • 1 Comment
    Hi guys, There is a language in Arabic under Arabic World, and instead of having this as AR-World in the xliff structure, it is given as AR-001, but that is not the issue, the issue is that in the editor the direction of writing is made from Left to...
  • option to split grouped tags/add them as group and/or single tags.

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, with the current settings of Trados it's possible to tell Trados to leave tags as single tags or group them. But in fact sometimes you just need one of the tags of a group so it would be great if there was another option: show tags as grouped...
  • Expand height of dropdown menus, allowing height to be based off content length.

    • Under Community Review on
    We currently have 100+ schemas to choose from each time we setup a new page, add a new widget, etc. The dropdown menu is tiny and only exposes 7 items at a time, leaving editors scrolling for a veeeeeery long time searching for their specific item. If...
  • quote copying conversion "nodepreviewUrl nodeLiveUrl"

    • Duplicate on
    With the project template when we take the url from the content nodepreviewUrl nodeLiveUrl="https://samplesite/" in Groupshare it looks fine, but in real, it copies also the quotes, so when clicked on open in browser, it can't open it, because there...
  • Option to disable auto-update of project template during project wizard in Studio 2019

    • Under Community Review on
    We have noticed that when we use a specific template to set up a new project in Studio 2019, and we remove a target language, the TM for that language that was set in the template is automatically disconnected. Our customer service reps must then remember...
  • Filter segments and change their status upon confirming them feature

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Hello, I hope you can introduce this feature: 1. Filter for segments in the Advanced display filter (already available and easy to do). 2. Introduce a feature in the Editor that would allow the translator to confirm active segments (the ones filtered...