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  • Create return package task should contain the "Translation count" task

    • Under Community Review on
    When working with translation packages, quite often you need to run a translation count task before the delivery, as Trados Studio not always updates the wordcount in the project. Would the "Create return package" task already include the translation...
  • Option to change default termbase saving location (from within project creation dialogue in Trados Studio)

    • Under Community Review on
    When I create a termbase from within the project creation dialogue in Trados Studio 2022, it always get put here: D:\Documents\Studio 2022\Termbases I don't want that, I want it to go somewhere else. It would be great to be able to change the default...
  • Penalty for single word terms

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    It would be nice to be able to assign a penalty to single word terms, as these are prone to be erroneously populated in pre-translation and auto-propagation. A penalty with configurable number of words would be even better.
  • Automatically add locale to the target file name (optional)

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Some users and customers prefer saving the target files with language code included in the name, f.e. "Sample_File_EN.docx" instead of "Sample_File". This definitely should not be a default behavior of Studio, but there should be an (advanced) option...
  • Reordering segments in the editor

    • Under Community Review on
    Sometime splitting or merging segments is not enough and the order of the segments needs to be changed to make the translation work. Otherwise you have to create weird workarounds, such us splitting the source to create an empty source segments etc. That...
  • Auotmatically adding TM as AnyTM when appropriate

    • Under Community Review on
    The current behavior when attempting to add a TM that doesn't match the project languages is that Studio will give a warning message and finish by saying "Consider adding this TM via AnyTM". Instead of this, I would like to have Studio ask whether I want...
  • length verifier

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, The option for length verification is nice but quite useless as you hardly have a text where all lines need exactly the same length limits. I would be way more helpful if you could simply right click on a or more lines in Editor view and select...
  • Studio should not see segments starting with Capital and Lower case as being 100% the same

    • Under Community Review on
    I have a text which has a lot of lists. In Dutch, after the bullet there is a lower case. They are marked in the Editor as 'LI+'. The author also reused these items which are in the lists, but as plain text or paragraphs. In Dutch they must then start...
  • Studio analysis - detailed retrieval for each TM

    • Under Community Review on
    When I use more than one Translation Memory in my projects, I miss an option for analyse files that tells me from which TM are the fuzzies and pretranslated segments retrieved. Like a breakdown for each memory. I think this feature would become very handy...
  • Make Project Packages/Return Packages More Flexible/Easier to Use

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    There are a lot of fixed rules around importing and creating packages. I think packages should be much more simpler, i.e. no need for comparing Guids/Project Ids or anything like that. It should be as simple as selecting import and the files being overwritten...