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  • Make Project Packages/Return Packages More Flexible/Easier to Use

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    There are a lot of fixed rules around importing and creating packages. I think packages should be much more simpler, i.e. no need for comparing Guids/Project Ids or anything like that. It should be as simple as selecting import and the files being overwritten...
  • Eliminate duplicates in autosuggest

    • Under Community Review on
    When one has multiple autosuggest providers, many duplicates appear, they could be from a single provider or across providers; a setting to eliminate duplicate suggestions would reduce unnecessary clutter.
  • Save target fail-safe test during the project preparation stage

    • Under Community Review on
    Based on the fact that 90% of our support cases are based on issues with saving target file, I think it would make sense to automatically try to save the target file during the project preparation stage. Simply one of the 10(?) steps that are completed...
  • Automatic insertion of leading and trailing tags in high fuzzy matches

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Studio does an excellent job of removing tags before offering a high fuzzy match (99%), but the opposite is not true, most of the time tags must be added manually. While it may be tricky for Studio to determine the proper placement of tags inside the...
  • Function to batch-update/create project templates for new Studio version

    • Under Community Review on
    (I couldn't find this idea anywhere, so I hope this is not a duplicate of an already existing idea) It is always a lot of manual work for our project managers when we are updating from one Studio version to the next having to manually recreate Studio...
  • Search function in the Projects view

    • Under Community Review on
    Please implement a Ctrl F function in the Projects view. If I have 100 projects on my list and need to find the one containing the word "manual" for example, I have to browse through all of them now. Why not just with ctrl F?
  • Alignment in Studio 2019 SR1

    Former Member
    Former Member
    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    The new alignment functions in 2019 SR1 are indeed welcome, but...there are still a few things I feel are missing: Now that I can split a segment, I should be able to merge at least 2 two segments. There is still have no way of telling how far along...
  • Link for merged files on top in notification

    • Under Community Review on
    If more than 10 files are contained in one project and you use "Merge selected files", the link to the merged files is no longer accessible in the notification as it is the last link in the list and only the first 10 links are displayed. There are two...
  • search - replace all text

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    • 1 Comment
    Problem: when you want to replace a certain word in all target segments. CTRL + F, enter word to replace, click on "replace", enter new word, click on "replace all" à and nothing happens. To use the function “replace all”, you have first to replace one...
  • Display numbering of paragraphs and titles in the editor

    • Under Community Review on
    Add a feature to display title automatic numbering or item number in ordered list in the Word file type. If you are working on a long document where paragraphs and/or titles are numbered, this is currently difficult to find where you are in the document...