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  • Search Tool

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    When searching the found Text is only highlighted but not maked - For example: After the Search Tool find a word, you have to doubleclick it, bevor you can delete, wirte something else ecc.
  • Delete target segments custom batch task

    • Under Community Review on
    In some cases files imported for translation may have the source text copied to target. A batch task to empty those segments (with options, i.e. only segments were source and target are identical; excluding locked segments, apply to all unlocked segments...
  • Show taskbar icon for Unsigned Plugin alert window

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Not many users may encounter this but I do on regular basis. This alert likes to hide behind other windows and there is nothing else to indicate that the user already started Studio. Hence it can easily happen that Studio is started twice or even more...
  • Handy "tag counting option" for invoicing purposes

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    I would love to see for invoicing purposes an easy to use "tag counting option" as I would like to charge more for tag-overloaded texts which use to be much more labour-intensive.
  • Lock TUs in the TM

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    It would be great to be able to lock a translation unit in the TM, thus making sure that it will be auto-propagated as perfect match and always remain exactly the same.
  • File type Google Docs and Google Sheets

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Hello, the download and conversion to DOcx and XLSX are not reliable and formatting and somne functionality is lost. Can you create a filtre - File Typoe - for .gdoc and .gsheet? Ron
  • Separate categories for new segments and MT translations

    • Under Community Review on
    Currently there is only the category "New/MT" which shows either segments that have been MT translated or segments that are still empty, depending on whether the project was configured to use machine translation or not. As it is, there's no way to tell...
  • Backing up Translation Memories

    • Under Community Review on
    It is good practice to regularly export your TM's as a tmx so they are safe from problems associated with database corruption. It would be a very nice feature in Studio if you could set a warning that reminds you every week (configurable) that you need...
  • add search to filetype preview

    • Under Community Review on
    Hi, it would be nice to have a search function in file type preview, especially for larger files. With that feature you could check if the file you preview contains certain characters e.g. { in order to check if you need to set up tag conversion rules...
  • Automatically suggest or build term entries while working in the Studio editor

    • Under Community Review on
    Some phrases tend to appear more frequently in the document, and not all users build their term bases on the fly. What I'm suggesting here is more or less what AutoSuggest is already doing, but simply using this information to automatically build a termbase...