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  • Allow collective spaces (Draft Space and Review Space) to support conref range reuse mechanisms

    • Under Community Review on
    In DITA, a conref range is the ability to create a conref that specifies the beginning and end of a range of similar objects in a single conref call and pull in all those objects at once (which is much more efficient than pulling each one in individually...
  • Tridion Docs MVP Awards

    • Under Community Review on
    Tridion Sites has MVP awards: Tridion Docs should have these as well. There are many great consultants and developers...
  • Global setting to deactivate the Status Changes dialog box from the Oxygen Connector

    • Under Community Review on
    I actually want to change the status of a topic maybe one time out of every 15 that I open it in OxygenXML, and yet I have to wait for and respond to the Status dialog every single time I open and close the topic. How about giving me a setting where I...
  • Edit individual topic or map in Draft Space (not associated with a publication)

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    • 1 Comment
    Normally, there are scenarios where topics are created, without being associated with any map or publication. Traditionally, these topics can be built in a tool like Oxygen. However, there is no way to edit these topics in Draft Space, and there is no...
  • The file name and delimiters should be configurable when saving from Publication Manager

    • Under Community Review on
    By default you get something like this: "DITA Information Model (DIM)=5=Microchip PDF=en-US.pdf" It seems to be Publication Name=version=output name=language.filetype. I have checked with support and this is hard coded. Not configurable. The delimiter...
  • Restoring deleted translation job

    • Under Community Review on
    We have a request about translation job management function. If we accidentally delete a translation job, that has 'In translation' status, we'll not be able to continue its translation after that. It's too painful for us. Therefore, we expect the enhancement...
  • Add an option to delete searched objects

    • Accepted, Not Yet Planned on
    Proposed changes for Web Client > Search Tab: It would help if we could delete selected objects directly from the search. Right now, we must view the object in the repository to delete it, which is highly inefficient.
  • Support newer versions of XML editors at each Tridion Docs SP

    • Idea Delivered Partially on
    Currently, with KC 2016, newer versions of Oxygen are not support (we must use oxygen 2017.1 which is now EOL). My understanding is that Tridion Docs supports Oxygen 20. However, Oxygen 21 has already been released. Can SDL support/test newer versions...
  • Activate Quality Check by default in Draft Space

    • Under Community Review on
    • 1 Comment
    Today you have to activate the Quality check manually every time you open Draft Space. This is something that the authors forget. Can you please make it active by default?
  • Smart Autocomplete

    • Under Community Review on
    When authoring a topic, it's very helpfull if the authoring tool shows recommended sentences condidering context and existing sentences in the target document. Recently, SynchRo Soft released the Smart Autocomplete Add-on. I expect that this feature will...