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  • Exit warning when leaving the Draft Space and Review Space without sharing comments

    • Under Community Review on
    The ability to keep comments private, either as notes to oneself or until the comments are completed, is a good feature in the Draft and Review spaces, but we are clearly seeing users who either forget to share or are unaware that they need to share in...
  • Publication Manager: Display message indicating newer versions of released topics

    • Under Community Review on
    Although it is part of the process for writers to check the baseline and look for "Yes" in the Newer version column, not everyone remembers to do this, especially when rushing to publish. It would be nice to have a message display when you open a publication...
  • Request for Enhancement: Protection from accidental deletion

    • Under Community Review on
    It is quite necessary to have an ability not to easily send an object into a recycle bin, or something similar, to retrieve data that was accidentally deleted could be very troublesome. Right now, if we delete an object that is not connected to any...
  • Copy GUIDs of objects with a keyboard shortcut

    • Under Community Review on
    Hello, The architecture for "my" writers in GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences requires a way of working where there is a constant need in Publication Manager to copy GUIDs from the object Properties > General tab. There is a shortcut Alt + Enter to open...
  • Improved Process for Adding and Updating Images

    • Under Community Review on
    Summary: 1. Add a right click menu in Publication Manager: Import to "<images folder>" to allow editors to easily add an image to the relevant repository folder 2. Add a right click menu in Publication Manager: Upload image to allow editors to easily...
  • Allow Users to Adjust Colors in Publication Manager (Accessibility)

    • Under Community Review on
    The default color coding of conditions in Publication Manager 12.0.3 is not ideal for people with red-green color blindness. Red, green, and yellow are all more difficult to distinguish for users with red-green colorblindness. Unfortunately, there is...
  • Improved XREF management in Publication Manager

    • Under Community Review on
    Publication Manager should have an xref tab that would attempt to resolve xrefs in a publication. The xrefs tab would be similar to the Variables tab, and it should show broken xrefs while a publication is being constructed, just like the variables tab...
  • Pub manager search: Add ability to filter by topic type

    • Under Community Review on
    When searching the CMS for potentially-reusable topics, it would be great to be able to filter by topic type (such as concept or reference). I don't see this capability in SDL Publication Manager 12.0.4. Searching for certain words, even when searching...
  • The search functionality in Publication Manager (Edit > Search) should support regular expressions

    • Under Community Review on
    We have a team of writers who are using branching. Regular expressions are used to update the syntax of elements to later versions of DITA. Currently the only way to search the syntax of the elements in a branch is to use the search functionality in Publication...
  • Updating an image in the Draft Space

    • Planned for Future Release on
    It appears that there is no way of updating an existing image from within the Draft Space; there is only the ability to replace it with a different image which is not the same thing . Updating an image means creating either a new revision or a new version...