Under Community Review

Something to consider for future development in regards of different dashboards for translation information, such as items sent for translated, items out of date etc.

Any other views we should consider?

A custom page to show all items that have been sent to translation in CME

In a large blueprint with many publications, and many translated content scattered in many publication, it is a challenge to find these localized item(s)

Improvement / Enhancement

It would be nice if we can implement some GUI, such as perhaps, a custom page where it will show any items in CM that have been sent to translation.

and if user click to the item, the GUI would open that item in the form-based view.

  • Apologies, my previous statement was not exactly accurate for this topic. 

    For this one.. the ask is for an easy way to see all localized items across publications. Currently, the only way I can see how to do this - is via search. Since you can search for all items (components/pages) across publications in a single view.

  • Okay, so this would be about items translated in a single view or place an editor can see. It doesn't necessarily need to be a Custom Page (in the Classic CME), but maybe this would fit a new or existing view for translation jobs or perhaps (advanced) search?

    With translation support planned for Experience Space in Sites 9.6, maybe "translated" would be an interesting status to show in a future version.

    In the classic UI, Translation Manager shows translation status for items in the Info tab. But having a way to find multiple items translated (as well as not translated, or event outdated/"stale" translations) could be a useful enhancement. Grinning

  • Hi Rick, push back from users on having to navigate up to 9 publications (per locale) to publish pages. Consider this a very high publishing activity scenario here. They request an easier way to publish over multiple publications and make that solution work with a basic workflow implementation :)

    The best image that comes to mind when they brought this up to me was - remember the old sdl community tool approx 2010 Power Tools? Inside of that app there was like a Power Page Publisher that you could navigate the entire tree, across multiple publications that publish. Or like how you would select items to content port, in a mass way and publish. 

  • Rick,

    I don't think it is necessary to create an API for this purpose.  What I have in mind is a custom page that lists all items that have been sent for translation (ie. items that is localized), so the criteria for the custom page would be: List all items that have been localized and the Last_Translated_Date is not Null.

    Note though Items could be localized, but not necessarily localized by way of the translation process...so I am thinking the easy way is an additional date field, let say we call it 'Last_Translated_Date' (This field would be added to either ITEMS or ITEM_REFERENCE_PUBLICATIONS table).  This date field would only get populated during successful translation retrieval (the field is by default, will be NULL).....again, just my idea.