You want to know more about XPP and CSS?

You want to increase your knowledge about the use of CSS in XPP from 0 to 100%?

Come to the XyUser Conference in Scottsdale.
Subscribe for the XPP/CSS Mini Clinic.

This will be a hands-on full day session.
Every participant will have his own terminal with XPP V9.2 access.

Here is the what we will cover:

1. Checklist

2. Great!

3. One more thing

4. Fresh start

5. Open the division

6. CSS

7. CSS Style Sheets

8. CSS Syntax

9. CSS Properties

10. CSS properties

11. CSS values

12. Accessing styles

13. Lets start...

14. The Cascade

15. Lets continue...

16. Pseudo Classes

17. Generating content

18. Generating content: CSS

19. Generating content: xyPerl

20. The frills

21. xyPerl

22. Inserting an image

23. Tables

24. Paged media

To know all about the conference, go to the XyUser Website