How can we add comment in the PDF?

I need to add a comment in the PDF and I am using the xymacro <:pdfs;NOTE;This technical note appears in red;/Color [1 0 0]><:pdfe;NOTE> as mentioned in the xypdf manual but unable to generate the comment in the PDF. Can anybody assist me to generate a comment in the PDF. I am using XPP

  • I just checked the code and for a :pdfs NOTE the divpdf (Direct to PDF) program is creating a "Text annotation", and it appears that you also need to be specifying PDF/UA output (-pdfua option or in the GUI it is the "Generate: PDF/UA" checkbox).

    With XPP 9.4 we added the -pdfba option ("Generate: Bookmarks/Annotations Only" in the GUI), in order not to have to use the full blown PDF/UA setup in order to just get bookmarks and annotations.

    And I see that when using -xpp-pdf-annotation with CSS to create annotations, the code is processing the annotations if either the -pdfua or the -pdfba option is enabled.

    But it seems we missed adding to process the :pdfs NOTE macros if the -pdfba option is enabled, and it is still requiring the -pdfua option in order for them to be processed.

    So, please (someone) open a support ticket on this: divpdf is not processing :pdfs NOTE macros if the -pdfba (and -pdfmark) option is specified

    This is an "easy" fix, so the turnaround time for getting a hotfix should be quick (and thank you for already being on the latest release and service pack).

    In the meantime, using the -pdfua (PDF/UA) option is another workaround (in addition to the one Bart suggested) if you can use it w/o too much trouble. Bart's suggestion is probably easier as there is quite a bit of setup to use the PDF/UA option.

    Jonathan Dagresta
    RWS Group/
    XPP Development

  • Jonathan,

    Are you saying that one should also check the -pdfba option as well as the -pdfmark option (assuming the fix is in place) in order for the <:pdfs:NOTE> things to work?

    Shouldn't checking the -pdfmark option be enough?

    The way I understand things (and please correct me if I am wrong)

    - pdfmark: this will create a PDF in which all the pdfmarks (= <:pdfs> and <:pdfe> codes except for <:pdfs:GEN>) will be used
    - pdfba; this will create a PDF in which all the CSS -xpp-pdf-xxxx properties will be used as found in the CSS file (I guess that in this case the -xpp-pdf-tag things are dropped?)
    - pdfua: this will try to create a Universal Accessible PDF using the CSS -xpp-pdf- tag properties

    So when one switches on the -pdfmark option, shouldn't the <:pdfs:NOTE> be present irrelevant if one used the -pdfua or -pdfba options or not?

    PS: I will open up a ticket

  • Jonathan,

    Are you saying that one should also check the -pdfba option as well as the -pdfmark option (assuming the fix is in place) in order for the <:pdfs:NOTE> things to work?

    Shouldn't checking the -pdfmark option be enough?

    The way I understand things (and please correct me if I am wrong)

    - pdfmark: this will create a PDF in which all the pdfmarks (= <:pdfs> and <:pdfe> codes except for <:pdfs:GEN>) will be used
    - pdfba; this will create a PDF in which all the CSS -xpp-pdf-xxxx properties will be used as found in the CSS file (I guess that in this case the -xpp-pdf-tag things are dropped?)
    - pdfua: this will try to create a Universal Accessible PDF using the CSS -xpp-pdf- tag properties

    So when one switches on the -pdfmark option, shouldn't the <:pdfs:NOTE> be present irrelevant if one used the -pdfua or -pdfba options or not?

    PS: I will open up a ticket
