Windows 10

Just want to send out a warning:

Do not upgrade to Windows 10 any machine that is running XPP (standalone, server or client).

The problem is the MKS Xserver that is delivered with the product. It will stop working after the upgrade.
In its log file it will put the following message: 

You are attempting to use the X Server as a full X Server outside of the limited local X Server included in the application.  
Please contact MKS for full X Server options - 800-637-8034 or

And yes we all know that Windows 10 is not an officialy supported platform for XPP.
But just in case you cave in an finally hit that "upgrade to Window 10" button the 20th time it shows up...

PS: In case you did hit the upgrade to Windows 10 button, the workaround is to use another Xserver.
I am currently using X-win32 2014 and it seems to work fine after an initial fight to load the vuem fonts.

PPS: I have opened a ticket with SDL.
Not that I expect a solution (unsupported platform, remember [:)]) but just that they are aware that this is a potential problem.

Parents Reply
  • Hi again, Dot,

    Our I.T. folks say that YES they have installed Contenta 4.2 client software successfully on Windows 10. A "few" users are set up this way and are reporting no problems. The one thing I.T. struggled with was opening up the permissions "properly" under the C:\Program Files (x86)\XyEnterprise\Contenta folder. If security on certain child folders is not wide open, files created or written to from the server portal process may fail to write or update, and client-server or client-only tools will all fail.

    If your I.T. people are unwilling to do this due to security policy, you may be able to work around this by changing the paths of these target folders (encaps, temp, logs, checkout) in the client's option settings. I tried this one by changing the paths to a place with no security issues, i.e. C:\Users\[username]\Documents\Contenta\...

    Now I am talking about Contenta 4.2 with no knowledge of what has changed in 5.0 and later. Also, I am talking about Windows client installs only, not server installation.

    Hope this help!
  • Thank you so much for looking into this on your end. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to do that. I am going to keep trying to power through here on this client.
  • One last thing....could you please tell me what version of Perl you have on that Windows 10 client?
  • Just the Perl that's bundled with the Contenta 4.2 windows client installation CDROM. This is required in order to match the version of Perl on the Contenta application server: ActivePerl 5.10.0 build 1004 32-bit

    Here's what on the CDROM:

    _Contenta Explorer Win client\PERL
    11/20/2008 09:36 AM 17,923,572 ActivePerl-
    01/26/2004 09:27 AM 1,822,848 InstMsiW.exe
    05/28/2016 02:09 PM <DIR> packages

    _Contenta Explorer Win client\PERL\packages
    10/22/2010 04:29 PM 1,588 ContentaPerlPkg.bat
    10/22/2010 04:27 PM 1,443 ContentaPerlPkg.bat.orig
    12/03/2008 05:22 PM 2,236 Email-Date-Format-1.002.ppmx
    12/03/2008 05:20 PM 8,865 Error-0.17015.ppmx
    12/04/2008 08:56 AM 23,827 IO-stringy-2.110.ppmx
    11/26/2008 12:22 PM 29,211 libxml-perl-0.08.ppmx
    10/25/2010 02:57 PM 346 loadpkg.bat
    10/25/2010 02:53 PM 146 loadpkg.bat.orig
    12/03/2008 05:23 PM 33,070 MailTools-2.04.ppmx
    12/04/2008 09:29 AM 991 MIME-tools-6.200_02.ppd
    05/28/2016 02:09 PM <DIR> MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
    12/04/2008 10:01 AM 1,065 SOAP-Lite-0.710.08.ppd
    12/03/2008 05:19 PM 16,611 TimeDate-1.16.ppmx
    12/01/2008 11:16 AM 1,840,379 Tk-804.028.ppmx
    11/26/2008 12:22 PM 3,339 Tk-StayOnTop-0.12.ppmx
    12/03/2008 05:21 PM 479,505 Unicode-Map-0.112.ppmx
    11/26/2008 12:15 PM 46,956 XML-DOM-1.44.ppmx
    11/26/2008 10:23 AM 6,049 XML-NamespaceSupport-1.09.ppmx
    12/01/2008 11:08 AM 2,869 XML-RegExp-0.03.ppmx
    11/26/2008 12:16 PM 38,671 XML-SAX-0.96.ppmx
    10/15/2010 04:53 PM 4,306 XML-SAX-Expat-0.40.ppmx

    _Contenta Explorer Win client\PERL\packages\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
    12/04/2008 09:24 AM 222,350 MIME-tools-6.200_02.tar.gz
    12/04/2008 09:58 AM 278,505 SOAP-Lite-0.710.08.tar.gz
  • Oh, and my personal belief is that this version of Perl/Tk is "buggy" on Windows 7, so it's probably buggy on Windows 10 as well. I suspect it creates some latency issues that cause the Portal connection to get briefly disrupted.