In my account 2 older licences/downloads are missing (update to Trados 7X and SDL Trados Suite 2007 Freelance-Version 8. ) Is there a way to upload again the missing licenses for these 2 programs?


In my TRADOS account 2 older licences/downloads are missing (update to Trados 7X and SDL Trados Suite 2007 Freelance-Version 8/ PO Ns 119555 and 159774 respectively). I need to reinstall my SDL Trados Suite 2007 Freelance and activate it urgenly in my PC. Is there a way to upload again the missing licenses for these 2 programs? Also, I have already purchased Trados 2014 and in my Products Trados 2009 is also added even if I did not request this program. MTIA . Kind regards Irene Blatza

  • Hi Irene,

    I have had a look at your account and your original license under order 119555 was upgraded to SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance, under order 159774. Your SDL Trados 2007 Suite Freelance license was then upgraded to SDL Trados Studio 2014.

    During the upgrade process for both of these licenses, your original licenses were automatically removed from the account and replaced with your new license. The Downloads for the two older licenses are still available in the Downloads section of your account under Archived Product Updates.

    As these licenses have been automatically removed from your account, these are no longer available to be used. When SDL Trados Studio 2014 is downloaded, this does include SDL Trados 2007 as part of the legacy component.

    The SDL Trados Studio 2009 Starter license that you refer to in your post, was added to your account as a free 6 month trial back in 2010.

    Kind Regards


    SDL Client Services

  • Dear Helen, thank you for your help. Trados 2007 is still necessary so I need back the license to make it work. Is it possible to download it form 'Archived Product Updates' to my PC and reactivate it? MTIA-Kind regards-Irene
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