Studio 2024 not able to start - plugin issue

I have today downloaded Studio 2024 (TradosStudio2024_18.0.0.1013), intending to use it as a free trial installation before deciding whether to purchase.

  • After installation, I tried to start the application, but keep getting an error message: "Trados Studio has not finished removing the last uninstalled plug-in. Restart Trados Studio after closing all active instances."
  • I closed Studio 2024 - using Task Manager to make sure that all instances were closed.
  • On restarting, the same issue was experienced again.

I then searched on the Internet and found a potential solution ( where it is suggested that the 'Plugins' folders (in AppData\Local and AppData\Roaming) should be renamed before restarting the application, which I did.

The result upon starting Studio 2024 yet again was precisely the same as before.

Any suggestions as to what I should try now?



Parents Reply Children
  • My responses to your questions:

    - Did you rename the Plugins folder in all locations? For Trados Studio 2024 

      C:\ProgramData\Trados\Trados Studio\18
      [MJD] There is no folder ’18’ in ’ this folder - only: ’17’, ’Studio 17’ and ’Studio 18’

       C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\Trados\Trados Studio\18

       [MJD] Plugins was renamed to Plugins_0 – now there is a new Plugins folder named ‘Plugins’(empty apart from 2 subfolders ‘Packages’ and ‘Unpacked’, both of which are empty)

      C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Roaming\Trados\Trados Studio\18

      [MJD] Plugins was renamed to Plugins_old – now there is a new Plugins folder named ‘Plugins’ (empty apart from 2 subfolders ‘Packages’ and ‘Unpacked’, both of which are empty)

     Was Trados closed when you did this? [MJD]Yes, as I already mentioned, I closed Studio 2024 (all instances) using Task Manager

    Kind regards,


    Perhaps make sure that you have no running processes in your Task Manager that relate to Trados Studio.  If you do then kill them and restart Studio.

    If that fails... and I know this is an old cliché... can you restart your computer and try again.  That will for sure reset anything that Windows is hanging onto.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • I have now done the following:

    - made sure that there were no running processes in Task Manager related to Trados Studio

    - repeated the renaming of the folders

    - restarted my computer

    RESULT:  exactly the same as before

    I then did the following:

    - uninstalled Trados Studio 2024

    - fetched the installation file again

    - installed T/S 2024

    started T/S 2024

    RESULT: exactly the same as before

    ... What now? Just forget about T/S 2024 and wait until there is a new version of the installation file where the apparent error has been corrected or ... ?
