We need your help updating the SDL Trados Glossary


The Glossary in SDL's user help for Trados Studio, Trados GroupShare and MultiTerm needs a bit of love and care. We would like the help of the SDL Community to review and update the terms in the Glossary.

To contribute to the Glossary, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Trados Studio Glossary.
  2. Log in with these credentials:
    username: customer
    password: sdlvisitor
  3. Look at the terms and if you find something in the description that needs changing, select the term and click on the little commenting icon.
    Screenshot showing two glossary terms in Trados Studio: 'Content repository' with a definition, and 'Context match' highlighted with a definition.
  4. Leave a comment with the change that needs to be performed. Someone in our team will review the change request and then publish the updated Glossary.

That's it. We thank you for taking the time to help others in better understanding the concepts we all use in the localization process.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 10:23 AM (GMT 0) on 4 Mar 2024]
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