Cumulative Update 8 Release for Trados GroupShare 2020 SR1

Trados GroupShare - Extends the core translation benefits of Trados Studio to growing teams


A new update for Trados GroupShare has just been released. The installation file for this new Cumulative Update 8 is available for download in all relevant customer accounts with Trados GroupShare 2020 SR1.

Please continue below for an overview of the new features and fixes.

New Project Settings XML REST API Endpoint

With this release it's possible to extract and amend viable settings of existing projects through the REST API. For this, Trados GroupShare provides a new API endpoint to export the current settings of a project as a Trados project settings file (.sdlproj). After changing the settings in the file, the file can be reimported, and the changed settings applied through the same endpoint.

(GET/PUT /api/projectserver/v2/projects/{projectId}/settingsxml) (CRQ-24649)

Also, new endpoints have been created for third-party developers. The old endpoints are still available for use, but only for previous versions of Trados Studio.
  • POST: /api/projectserver/v2/projects/{projectId}/files/externalCheckOut

    Calling this endpoint will check-out exclusively multiple files at once.

  • POST: /api/projectserver/v2/projects/{projectId}/files/externalCheckIn

    Calling this endpoint will check-in multiple files at once. This action is restricted to the user who previously checked out the files.

  • POST: /api/projectserver/v2/projects/{projectId}/files/undoExternalCheckOut

    Calling this endpoint will undo check-out multiple files at once. This action requies "Cancel Check Out of Other Users Project Files" permission. If the user who performs this action is the user who check-out the files, then translation is lost; if not, the translation if saved.

  • POST: /api/projectserver/v2/projects/{projectId}/cancelPublishPackage

    During project creation, this endpoint allows you to cancel the publish of a project package to Groupshare.

  • GET: /api/management/v2/permissions/organizationtree?username=[encoded username]&hideImplicitLibs=[hideImplicitLibs]

    Calling this endpoint will retrieve all the user permission from all organizations that this user belongs to.