GS 2017 Performance

Why is GS 2017 slow:

the app. server has 8 CPU cores an 8 GB RAM and hardly useses more than 15% CPU and more than 2 GB RAM.

TU's in studio 2017 need around 20 sec to be serched in TM with 900K TUS. ON this TM Autosuggestion doesn't work even if we wait up to 5 minutes.


We have noticed that Autosugest doesn't work on TM's that are larger than 500K TUS.


On Friday 17.3.2017 i have also started import of MT termbase with aroud 120K terms that need sync. After 48 Hours import is on 18%. This is huge performance Issue.

On GS 2015 this sync was completed over night.

I'm writing here because support is not finding anything.

