How to extract values from old field-templates in Groupshare 2015 in order to load them automatically in field-templates in Groupshare 2017

Hello to all,

Does anybody have a procedure or a good idea how to do this without filling in all values manually (my lists are huge......:-()


Thanks in advance for your advice.

Best regards

Martha Ebermann

Parents Reply Children
  • Hello Luis,
    thank you for your answer, which I just got also from the support. Unfortunately the migration 2015 2017 didn't go smoothly: when the guy from SDL was trying to upgrade the old structure from 2015 the containers came without the TMs they where supposed to contain, therefore I have to create now the complete structure from scratch in order to get the existing information into Groupshare 2017. The guy from SDL had about 12 hours and he could get over the TMS nor make work the SSL connection. Only Localhost is working. It's really a nightmare.
    And the import des tmx via the Groupshare interface doesn't work correctly. And as they are no more background tasks visible you can't even see how your import etc. is doing. Do you think, these facts are user-friendly and a progress in Groupsahre 2017.
    I would like you to report all this to whom it concerns.
    Thanks a lot for your help
    Best regards
    Martha Ebermann
  • Hi Martha,

    I think the appropriate thing to do here is take it up with whoever did the upgrade for you. I'm sure nobody would leave this unfinished or in an unfit state to work. Can you drop me an email at so I know who worked on this for you and I'll take this up with the team responsible.



    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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