WorldServer offline packages in Project Server and Online Editor?


what I'm going to describe here is probably going to sound very roundabout or unnecessarily complex, but it is a workflow that we as an LSP cannot change - the customer has laid it down.

The customer has WorldServer in place, but does not want to use the Online Workbench. The customer does not allow LSPs to access WS in any way - not directly, not through other SDL applications. Not even the customer's own employees (in-country reviewers later in the process) are allowed to interact with WS in any way. WS translation packages are placed on a secured, accessible SFTP for LSPs. LSPs download and translate in Studio.

The next requirement is that the customer's in-country reviewers should revise the translation in the LSP's environment, having access to termbase(s) and keeping the TMs up to date, in real time. After ICR, the LSP translator has final say and then a return WS package is created and uploaded to the SFTP. 

So - with GroupShare (Project Server) and SDL Online Editor in mind, I have the following questions.

1. Can a Studio project originating from a WS package be checked in to the Project Server as a new project?

2. How far have you, SDL, progressed in terms of integrating the Online Editor in Project Server? Can the Review phase of a PS project today be done in the OE?

3. Would it be possible to address the OE separately, without PS? Similar maybe to globalReview by simply uploading an SDLXLIFF and do review on the file in OE but without a workflow behind it?

I might have follow-up questions depending on your feedback on the above, so thanks in advance for your patience.




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