Automated check that my GropuShare servers are accessible from Internet


We configured  our GS (TM, MultiTerm) servers to use use "non-standard" ports. 

This is causing connection issues to some of our translators as they don't set the ports as instructed (in written  instructions) and consequently cannot establish the connection to the GroupShare server. 


So the idea is that we would need a script that  could be run from a website in the Internet that would simply do the Check Server Availability test with predefined server link and appropriate username and password.


I'm not a developer myself but I think this would be a nice feature / service.  It could be used also for simple SLA up time compliance testing.

I'm sure this can be developed it's just I wanted to check if anybody in the community has been having same kind of issues or thoughts.

I'd appreciate also the hints in about what technology to use to make it simple and reliable.


If this is more for the developers, I don't mind the question is moved to Developers forum.


Thank you 





  • We're running our GS server from a "non-standard" port because the default port 80 is used for other services.
    I am not sure what you mean by running "... a script that  could be run from a website in the Internet ...". Where would that script be running? And how would it affect the individual translator?
    GS notifications include the port info and we emphasize to our external translators to make sure that they check that port info. Works for us so far.
    I'm all for automatic processes to avoid user errors, so I'm curious to see if anyone comes up with a suggestion to help you out.
  • I'm thinking about some sort of general GroupShare server availability checker that will allow our users to check if the "connection issues" are on their side (related to the username and password) or are they up to some technical issues with our server and it not being available to any user.

    One idea of implementation is what Across is having on their site (see the image bellow). 

    It's just that I don't want to test only the server response on default ports but also make it customized in a way that I would be able to test the connection with particular user name and password on user specific ports.


    So the idea is that We would have a "Iolar GS server availability test"  as a button on our server that it would run a script of all necessary login command until it get's the confirmation from the server - like in the Studio Server Setup dialog, but without actually running Studio on the users's machine and without having it installed. 



  • I'm thinking about some sort of general GroupShare server availability checker that will allow our users to check if the "connection issues" are on their side (related to the username and password) or are they up to some technical issues with our server and it not being available to any user.

    One idea of implementation is what Across is having on their site (see the image bellow). 

    It's just that I don't want to test only the server response on default ports but also make it customized in a way that I would be able to test the connection with particular user name and password on user specific ports.


    So the idea is that We would have a "Iolar GS server availability test"  as a button on our server that it would run a script of all necessary login command until it get's the confirmation from the server - like in the Studio Server Setup dialog, but without actually running Studio on the users's machine and without having it installed. 



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