Project Server: select/deselect individual dashlets on the dashboard?


I'm a big fan of the PS Dashboards and so is my customer. 

The admins wish to enable them for all users because many dashlets on the board are very convenient. But for legal reasons, the "Words per Organization" dashlet MUST be removed from the user interface. This is an absolute knockout criterion for using dashboards.

Can SDL hide a specific dashlet? If so, then "Words per Organization" should be hidden from the interface.

If not, can SDL include on their roadmap that, based on permissions, an administrator has the ability to select which users are allowed to see which dashlets? The end user, any non-admin, must not be able to cancel this dashlet selection that has been performed for him. This would then achieve the goal that only e.g. the system administrator would ever be able to see the "Words per Organization" dashlet.


Thanks for your consideration, I'd be really happy to hear your thoughts on this.


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