MT Server 2015 (Groupshare) export all databases into 1 file


I need to do a batch check on all terms from all databases (termbases) from my multiterm server 2015 (Groupshare).

So I need to have all terms from all databses exported into a file which will be QAed after


I need to have the actual name of the database (not the physical name) as a field exported (together with term fields/values) to be able to identify the source termbase

Where is this field (actual name of the database ) in the database? I went through all tables and i dont seem to find it

Question 2

Does anyone have some code or app or stored procedure to join together the following info in an query, for example:


term in source lang - term in target lang - name of the termbase A




term in source lang - term in target lang - name of the termbase B





Thanks in advance

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