Project not published on Groupshare 2015


Recently, we have been experiencing some issues with SDL Studio GroupShare 2015.

We cannot access certain areas on the GS server and we are getting Silverlight plug-in related errors. We have tried using IE and Chrome with the recommended IE tab plug-in in line with However, the issue persists.

Also, we are currently unable to publish any projects created directly in SDL Trados 2015 on Groupshare 2015. Interestingly, we are able to check out projects that were published on Groupshare 2015 in the past. Also, when we attach a server-based TM (from the GS server) to the Trados Studio project, the files are pretranslated correctly.

Did you experience similar problems with the project publication on GS 2015? We'll be grateful for any hints.

Best regards,