Libraries created for dynamic assignation

Having recently upgraded from GroupShare 2015 to 2017, one of the changes I've noticed is that projects now live in a new organisation structure. Specifically, a 'Project Resources' folder/organisation is created, and then another folder/organisation is created inside this which contains the project.

I'm told that these libraries are to aid 'dynamic assignation' of translators to projects.

However, as an LSP we make quite extensive use of the GroupShare API and this is causing us a problem because at some point in the project's lifecycle the project is no longer where we placed it.

So we can use the API to create a project at

> Root Organization

> Projects

> Folder Name

> Project Name.sdlproj

But at some point after we created the project, the following structure is imposed

 > Root Organization

> Projects

> Folder Name

> Project Resources

> Project Name

> Project Name.sdlproj

Ideally I'd like to be able to disable this dynamic library creation, but I'd settle for just knowing when it occurs.

Also, if I click on an organisation and then click on the 'Content' tab, I can see a project at the top-level ('Folder Name' in my example) and if I click down through the organisations to the 'Project Name' folder I can see a project and a project TM - is this the same instance of the project or are there now two copies of the project?