Groupshare 2017 too slow

Many of our translators are complaining about the speed of Groupshare 2017.
Here are a couple examples:

1. TM lookup: This can take anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds

2. Checking out files: I timed it on my PC, for a 5MB file, it takes approx. 1 min 30 seconds to check out the file

3. Concordance search: We have to take a coffee break every time we want to search in the TM

* Note that we have many large TMs, i.e. 100,000 to 400,000 segments.

We also have exhausted all other possibilities (hardware, environment, settings) and believe Groupshare 2017 was shipped as a flawed product.
Also, we are not alone, I have talked with other people with the same problems.

Is our only choice to move back to Groupshare 2015? It would be great to hear any other solutions.

  • Hi Jesse,

    Sorry to hear about your issues with GroupShare. I would recommend that you work with our Support teams to do a health check of your system, as 10-30 seconds per TM lookup is certainly not normal.

    Also Hardware requirements have increased from GS 2015, as we have introduced new functionality that is more demanding on the systems involved. We have found that many customers were not running on hardware appropriate to their usage especially when it comes to SQL Server specs, so a review would be wise here.

    1. Our internal metric is that it should not take longer than 2 seconds from search being initiated to a result being displayed to the user to provide a good user experience. Typically it's much faster than 2 seconds.
    So I'm guessing something else is at play here, but difficult to say without having a look at your system. I.e. CPU may be high due to FGA processing running at the time of your tests or other factors. In general the single biggest factor in TM search speed is the performance of the SQL Server.

    2. As for the checkout, is it the actual checkout operation or check-out + download of the file? Download of 5MB is highly dependent on the bandwidth of the systems involved. This area of the code is unchanged between GS 2015 and 2017, so I wouldn't expect a difference here.

    3. Again, see Point 1, this is probably related.

    I hope this helps, a bit difficult to go into more detail in this forum.


    Best regards,
    Luis Lopes | Principal Product Manager | RWS | (twitter) @Luis___Lopes |

  • Hi Luis

    Thank you for the answer! I will contact support and ask an engineer to remote into our server.

    We have found that many customers were not running on hardware appropriate to their usage especially when it comes to SQL Server specs, so a review would be wise here.

    Would you be able to provide the recommended specs? I haven't been able to find this information.

    checkout operation or check-out + download of the file?

    Yes, it also includes download. However, we never had an issue with Groupshare 2015, I will look more into this.

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