Run FGA (upLIFT alignment) more often?


I'm interested in having the FGA run more frequently for testing purposes. Can you please tell me how to adapt the server-side settings regarding this service so that it runs e.g. 4 times a day instead of just once?

Also, could you tell me what the StoreAlignment service does exactly? I haven't found anything about it in the documentation.


p.s. my test instance is on: 
UI: 14.1.8
GS: 14.2.32756.8 - SR1 CU8

  • Hi,
    i understood the settings of the FGA can be changed/adjusted on the application server in two files (i.e. my folder structure):

    D:\Program Files\SDL\SDL Server\TranslationModelService\Sdl.TranslationModelService.Builder.exe.config
    D:\Program Files\SDL\SDL Server\FGAService\Sdl.FineGrainedAlignmentService.Agent.exe.config

    in section:
    <workerManager name="BackgroundOps">
    <queue queueName="fga-align" workerCount="0">
    <rule workerCount="10" from="21:00" to="06:00" />

    But, whilst i was playing around with its settings for while, i have not noticed any difference. Meaning, even i was told this is the setting which affects if FGA runs or not, i cannot tell if its really true. Reason why i wanted to switch it off was, that TMService was faulting exactly at 21:00 and then basically every hour for no obvious reason.

    Question: Where did you find it runs once per day? From the setting above, it looks to me, that it uses 10 workers and it runs as many times as needed within the time period from 21:00 to 06:00.
