Upgrade causing issues with TM queue

We upgraded our SDL Groupshare product to version 14.2.47996.9 - SR1 CU9, and ever since then, we cannot download any TMs from Groupshare. They get queued and just stay there indefinitely. We saw this https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=000006236, but the workaround mentioned there doesn't work.

When we went into our account at SDL to see what downloads are available, we noticed what appears to be a later version in our archived product updates folder, but with an earlier date, than what we see in our latest folder.


Executable File Name with Version


Location on SDL Account

SDL Trados GroupShare 2017 SR1 CU9




SDL Trados GroupShare 2017 SR1



Archived Product Updates

So my questions are:

  1. Why does a seemingly later version of the software (CU9) appear to have an earlier version number (14.1.47996.9_refresh)?
  2. Will installing CU9 (14.1.47996.9) solve our issue of now not being to download our TMs?
  3. If the answer to #2 is yes, do we need to uninstall the product entirely and start over with installing 2015, then upgrading to CU9?

If anyone has any insights or can offer clarity around this issue, we would greatly appreciate your feedback.