Checkin & Checkout not working

When I try to checkout a file, the following message appears as it is supposed to:

      Trados Studio checkout dialog box with options to check out and edit the file or open the file without checking it out.

But soon the Checkout icon next to the filename changes to a padlock icon, in 5 seconds or so:

      Trados Studio file list showing a padlock icon next to the filename indicating the file is checked out.

The file opens, but this message appears on top:

      Trados Studio warning message stating 'Check Out Required' to modify the document.

If I close and reopens the file, the following message appears:

     Trados Studio checkout error message stating the file cannot be checked out because it has already been checked out by another user.
    (Yes, it was me who checked-out the file!)

I am able to work offline, but the Checkin and Checkout commands become dimmed and Cancel Checkout command does not work.

The server's administrator says I did the checkout correctly and that all is ok there, that is, permissions are OK and the server is available.

Does someone have any clue?

(PS1: I'm working with a trial of SDL Trados Freelance Edition, so I do not have access to the SDL support)
(PS2: The problem occurs also in SDL Trados Pro 2019, 2017 and 2015, unlicensed)

Thank you all!

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[edited by: Trados AI at 6:57 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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