Hi Community,
We are having issues with PM obtaining access to the lastest version of a file in GroupShare via Studio.
The scenario is like this:
Both the PM and the Translator have opened the GroupShare project and stored their own local versions of the project on their C drives.
The Translator has run a Pre-translate File Batch Task on a specific file and started working on the remaining translation. Every time the Translator saves the file, Studio indicates with a message that the file is being uploaded.
However, the PM cannot see the lastest progress of the translation in Studio. When opening the file without checking it out, it is completely empty and contains no translated segments at all.
If the PM, however, opens the GroupShare UI, ticks the box for the specific file, and selects "selected files" > "selected files" in order to download the sdlxliff file from the server, and then opens it via drag&drop single file translation in Studio, the PM can now see the translation progress for the file, as the downloaded sdlxliff file is not empty, but contains the Translator's work.
In Studio (in the project that was stored locally on the C drive), the PM cannot see the Translator's lastest version on the list when selecting "Download Specific Version". Only the version which was originally created by the PM when the project was created and uploaded to GroupShare is listed.
Can anyone help here?