We have Groupshare 2019 with Termbase Server running in our acceptance environment, and I want to create a server-based Termbase for it to connect to. But I can't for the life of me find out where to do so. Help?
We have Groupshare 2019 with Termbase Server running in our acceptance environment, and I want to create a server-based Termbase for it to connect to. But I can't for the life of me find out where to do so. Help?
Hi Alex
I guess you have Groupshare 2017 or 2020 - there isn't a 2019 version, but the answer is the same. Whilst you can see Termbases in Groupshare, you actually create them from MultiTerm. I assume you've connected MultiTerm to your Groupshare system already (File/Setup/Servers) but once you've done that, you need to go to the main MutliTerm screen, and in the bottom left corner, below Termbase Management, you'll see Administrator. Of course, your user in Groupshare has to have suitable rights to proceed, but when you authenticate to the server, you'll see the server listed, adn then the ribbon will activate the Add/Create button, so you can create the Termbase in the usual way - obviously if you're using Organisations on the server, make sure you place the Termbase in the correct Organisation, but that's; no different in principle to the TMs, of course.
I hope that's clear, but let me know if you have any questions.
Ah, that explains why I can't find it - I don't have the Administrator section. I will see how to change that.
Thank you!
Which version of MultiTerm are you using? Admin for the server side was done in MultiTerm Administrator, which was a server based application, but then they moved it to be part of MultiTerm desktop - I can't remember offhand if that was MT/GS 2015 or 2017, but if you've got MultiTerm 2017 or 2019, you should see that - although if you don't have admin rights on the server, you wouldn't be bale to use it.
In our production environment we have Multiterm 2015, and I think the Administrator application was never properly installed. I've been digging around and it seems there were problems with it when they upgraded from the previous Multiterm, and it just never really got sorted. I'll submit a support ticket for that so our server admins can get it sorted.
In our acceptance test setup, we have Multiterm 2019 - if I understand correctly, I should be able to see the Administrator functionality in the desktop client there without a separate component being installed - and my account would need admin rights on the server to edit or add settings etc?
I can't see from your answers which versiom of Groupshare you have - with Groupshare 2015 and MultiTerm 2015, you would have needed to use MultiTerm adminisatrtor, which should have been installed on the server . With MultiTerm 2019 (and assuming Groupshare 2017 or 2020), that function is in the desktop product. However, you won't see the Administrator button unless you connect to a server first - in MultiTerm, go to File/Setup/Servers and add the relevant detasil. The Administrator buitton will them appear. Of course, you do need suitable rights set in the Groupshare UI as well
I can't see from your answers which versiom of Groupshare you have - with Groupshare 2015 and MultiTerm 2015, you would have needed to use MultiTerm adminisatrtor, which should have been installed on the server . With MultiTerm 2019 (and assuming Groupshare 2017 or 2020), that function is in the desktop product. However, you won't see the Administrator button unless you connect to a server first - in MultiTerm, go to File/Setup/Servers and add the relevant detasil. The Administrator buitton will them appear. Of course, you do need suitable rights set in the Groupshare UI as well