Exchange of the GroupShare server

We have a setup consisting of 4 virtual machines: Domain controller, database server, application server and terminal server.

These are VMs that are hosted at Azure. We cannot upgrade the operating system in a traditional way (in-place upgrade), but have to rebuild the VMs and transfer the services and data. We have already replaced the domain controller with a Windows Server 2019 (previously: 2016). This worked as expected without problems.

Now we have to upgrade the application server to Windows Server 2019. The VM with Windows Server 2016 must also be replaced by a new one with Windows Server 2019. GS 2020 CU02 is installed on the application server. The database server is - as mentioned above - separated.

Is it possible that I set up a new Windows Server 2019 VM, stop all services on the existing GroupShare server and shut it down (hoping I will never have to start it again) and then install GS 2020 CU02 on the Windows Server 2019 and simply enter the access data of the old server as database server?

Maybe it is important to mention that the host name of the application server has to change for technical and regulatory reasons. I cannot avoid this. However, the host name of the database server and the name of the database instance would remain identical.

Has anyone already had to do anything similar?

  • I did the same when passing from GS2017 to GS2020 and at the same time switching windows server and such. Everything went smooth.

    - Remember to give back the groupshare license before shutting it down

    - I would suggest on the application server to use the same path for projects (I have E:/ as mine) since I'm not sure if projects file path are set as absolute or relative path.

    When installing GS on the new VM have handy and working the right accesses to the database server and note down the right name for SDLSystem and other databases and such (if you come from an old version they may be different from the default ones).

    Everything should work fine. Good luck!

  • I did the same when passing from GS2017 to GS2020 and at the same time switching windows server and such. Everything went smooth.

    - Remember to give back the groupshare license before shutting it down

    - I would suggest on the application server to use the same path for projects (I have E:/ as mine) since I'm not sure if projects file path are set as absolute or relative path.

    When installing GS on the new VM have handy and working the right accesses to the database server and note down the right name for SDLSystem and other databases and such (if you come from an old version they may be different from the default ones).

    Everything should work fine. Good luck!

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